ProlifIQ Training System to develop youth basketball players

The ProlifIQ Training System, a basketball training program for boys and girls of all ages and levels, is being offered this summer by Prolific Prep Academy and Napa Sports Association.
The program is a combination of basketball skill development from Prolific Prep Academy, mixed with the strength and conditioning of Napa Sports Association.
The ProlifIQ Training System is an all-inclusive basketball development, training program that focuses on the mind, body and skill of the clients.
The program will run from June 12 to Aug. 11, encompassing 64 total workouts over a three-month period.
“The ProlifIQ Training System is as close as you can get to mirroring the training regime of the current Prolific Prep team,” Prolific Prep founder Jeremy Russotti said. “We are extremely excited to finally be at a point where we can provide this training at the elementary, middle and high school levels. This is a big deal for us.”
Added Napa Sports Association founder Michael Quinn, “The ProlifIQ Training System model follows the 80-percent training, 20-percent playing mantra. We believe players are spending too much time on playing and not getting back to basics with proper training.”
The program offers skill training and strength and conditioning.
Families can sign up for the skill sessions or strength and conditioning classes separately.
Families can also sign up for each of the programs on a monthly basis, or walk in for a daily rate.
“I think with Prolific Prep, and our background, what we’ve proven is we have really helped maximize our players’ potential,” said Russotti. “What we’re trying to do is educate on the training – core training in skill, strength and conditioning, how to really develop a good program to maximize your time and to make the person a better basketball player.”
Skill training takes place from 9-10:30 a.m. at Napa Christian School, 2201 Pine St., Napa. The instructors are Russotti and Colin Hamilton.
Russotti is a skill development trainer and Hamilton is in his first year as an assistant coach at Prolific Prep. Strength and conditioning takes place from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Napa Sports Association, 2371 Pine St., Napa.
Instructors for the NSA staff are Zane McKeithan, co-founder of Napa Sports Association; Chasey Zulueta, a certified strength and conditioning specialist; and Mike Gibson, a former NFL offensive lineman for Philadelphia, Seattle and Arizona. Gibson played his college football at UC Berkeley.
Sessions are four days a week, Monday through Thursday.
“We’re just really trying to get the kids the improvement that they’re really trying to get,” said Russotti.
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